Jessie Lipps


Jessie Lipps

Hope is always found
in the darkness
and the darkest of places,
if only we have the eyes
(heart…eyes of the heart)
to see.

To believe this.

The courage to trust—
these are the lessons I’ve found—
and sometimes the hard way
(like through a hardness of heart)…

To acknowledge what we see
all around us:
that life is not what it is supposed to be.

And that no matter what,
we are powerless
over the smallest details.

We live in community with each other,
a harmony
—or a supposed harmony—
where self-love for a neighbour and treating others
how we hope to be treated is the spirit of the land…
rather than
a self-love for ourselves from fear, anger, and resentment
(which inoculates and incubates our own ‘humanity’
in that same imprint of fear, anger, resentment).

We live in a tight weave of human fabric
the kind we all wear the same flesh
regardless of colour, pattern, or herstory—
that tight weave that speaks to a memory
once known in our bodies—
that Wisdom is not from our ourselves,
that we, too, are affected by a virus
that has affected our soul.

If only we could remember its origin.

I feel led to share my hope more frequently these days—
so ping me if you’d rather not receive these letters.

Sending love and hope,