Jessie Lipps

Ordinary Beauty

Jessie Lipps

I find these days so beautiful…
I understand the fear,
uncertainty, death reality
in the midst of the virus,
but I encourage you
to understand the Virus in our souls first—
to be afraid of that one which blinds,
and bites.

And can often go undetected.

This Virus erodes our actions every single day—
inhibits truthful choices to be made,
relationships to be honoured,
and fear to be relinquished—
and joy to be found.

(Joy is oh so different than happiness.)

I find these days stunning.
I find these days beautifully filled
with renewal and the opportunity
for recreated experiences—
but it also reveals where our hope is actually found:
perhaps our emptier-than-we’d-like dynamics
that flourish fear,
create panic from a deep-seated anxiety.

A restless spirit.
A rest-less spirit.

Come and you will have rest.
Come and you will drink deeply living water
that nourishes body, mind, spirit, matter.

Conventional wisdom tells us
that love is a choice
(or that death can be)
but melting into love (or death)
is actually a surrender.

A deep, and sometimes long (and painful) one.

Only when the stars of forgiveness align,
can our spirits align with the Holy One who is Love—

So, Trust—and you will grow.

Forgive—and you will have a flourishing heart.

Live in the fullness of Christ
(the fullness of Love who
allows for another to reject him—you and me)
and you will have Life—
you’ll know because all of a sudden
everything is different
when everything has stayed the same.

(Your eyes all of a sudden see,
you all of a sudden hear—
and all of a sudden that despair
is turned into an amazing hope.)
