Jessie Lipps

Our Love, ten years later

Jessie Lipps

A love letter
to my husband,
in public.

A confession
that Love still loves,
if only we have the courage
to know it.

I will be dedicating space this next year
to sharing our love story—
because we have one.

To anyone in need of hope—
to anyone in need of sight—
to anyone in need of breath and life—
I hope you will find some here
and in the pages to come.


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Ten years ago,
you and I married.

It’s taken all that we can hold,
it’s taken a new life to behold,
to return to a god that we know—
and to be amazed at what, how he shows:
a way of life,
and a truth,
a truth to guide and navigate us
from and into a life of hope—
that begets life
and arises both you and me.

Jonathan, you are special to me.
And I pray that we can grow old together.

And I pray that we can always love each other—
truly Love each other,
with the Love that we have been humbled to know,
to learn about—
and fight for,
that has seasoned us,
weathered us,
and invited us
to surrender into—
and from which
we have been given a gracious gift of
Light to see all of life through.
