Jessie Lipps

Off the grid

Jessie Lipps

This past weekend,
we were off the grid.

Grateful for the space,
for cool mountain lakes,
and for the refreshing gift of community.



We all decided to gather
at the end of the summer at
a family’s cabin.

In the beautiful nowhere
of gorgeous BC.

—the now and here
smack dab together—

Within the first week
of moving up to Vancouver,
almost four years ago,
we fell into a friend group
that also happened to be
an intentional group
following Christ together—
that Light of Life,
that embodies the Light of Love.

After our son was born,
we were hit and miss
with the monthly home gatherings.

And when our marriage hit
another rough patch last year,
I couldn’t help but go.
This is the kind of community
that can hold loss, pain, and offer
Light, Wisdom, and Truth.

Fast forward almost a year later,
and we are here.
This group is in a new space,
our marriage too—
because Love heals in loss.

All this takes is a courageous heart
to be honest in love—
the kind that returns us to
a Love that will not let us go.

Hooray for the gift of friendship and community—
and the last long days of summer.

Christ births all anew—
where despair turns to hope,
and sorrow can be held
in a quiet gift of abundance.

Floating unicorns grace the waters
as grace fills our spirits with a holy,
sacred, and subtle lavishness
that comes from
being off the grid (from ourselves)
and back in relationship with Him.
